The Rice is our principal food. Nearly half of the people of the world live on rice. We get it from paddy. The farmer first till land very well. Then they sow the seeds. In a few days, the seeds come up. About two months after, ears of paddy come out. After three months more, the paddy ripens. Then we husk paddy and get rice. Rice is found all over the world. It grows best in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, India, China, Japan, Thailand etc. There are kinds of rice in our country Aus, Aman, and boro. There is another kind of rice – called ‘IRRI’ grows well in Bangladesh. Rice is the main crop of Bangladesh. We eat rice. Chira, Khai, Cake etc. are made of rice and we eat those as food. Its straw is used as fuel and to make the huts of poor men. It is also used for making cloths paper and wine. As rice is our main food, so we should take proper care of its production.
The Rice
We live on Rice. Rice is our staple food. There are many varieties of rice. They are mainly four- Aus, Aman, IRRI, and Boro. The Aman rice is the best among four. We get rice from paddy. The paddy plant is a kind of grassy plant. It grows three to four feet high. Then ears of paddy plant come out. Boro grows in low lands. In our country, IRRI grows all the year round. Paddy is husked into rice. We eat boiled rice with curry, pulses etc. Chira, Muri, and Khai are also made from rice. Bangladesh, China, Burma, Thailand, Japan, India, and Java is the main rice-growing countries. Burma, Thailand, Japan, India, and Java are the Amon rice-growing countries. In Bangladesh, rice is grown in plenty. At present, half of the total population of the world lives on rice. The climate and the soil are congenial to grow rice. So, we can export rice if we can increase its production.
The Rice
Rice is the main food of the people of Bangladesh. We get rice from a plant called paddy. About half of the people of the world live or rice. There are different kinds of rice. They are mainly three – lush, Aman and Boro. Nowadays ‘irri’ is also grown. Of them ‘aman’ is the best. Paddy fields are first plowed and harrowed. Seeds of Aush and Aman are sown at the end of Chaitra and Baisakh. ‘aush’ plants become mature in Ashar and ripen in Chaitra. ‘irri’ grows all through the year. Rice grows well in hot and moist climate. It grows in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, China, Indonesia, Japan and u.s.a. paddies are cut when they become ripe. Then they are separated from the stalk and sunned. We use rice in a number of ways. We take rice twice daily. Flattened rice, fried rice is prepared from it. Cakes of different kinds are made from rice. When the sunned paddy is husked we get ‘Atap’ rice. For boiled rice, the paddy is first boiled and then sunned again and husked. A kind of sweet called ‘payes’ or ‘firni’ is made of ‘atap’ rice. It is very tasteful to eat. The stalk of the paddy is dried into the straw. It is used we should try to grow more and more rice.