Opening a bank account is not very difficult. You need to do certain things for opening a bank account. First of all, go to the nearest bank. Meet the manager. He will give you a form. There are two kinds of accounts. One is savings and the other is current. The current account is for businessmen. So, you take the savings account form. Flinn the form and submit it with your two passport size photographs and signature of an identifier who has an account with this bank. After that, the bank officer will give you a signature card. Put your specimen signature three times on the card. Then you will be given a bank book with your account number. Use this book to put some money into your account number. You have opened your account successfully. The bank officer will give you a checkbook. Use this book to withdraw money.
How to Open a Bank Account
If anybody wishes to open an account with a bank he has to go to a bank at first and call on the manager. Then he should tell him what type of account he will open and take an application form and signature card form him. Next, he is to fill them up according to the instruction made by the manager. He has to put his specimen signature on the signature card. After that, he has to get himself introduced by an account holder of the same bank. The introducer will put his signature and give his address and account number in the relevant part of the application form and signature card. He will also attest two passport size photographs of the man. Finally, he has to submit all these to the manager and deposit a minimum of one hundred Taka on his account number with the bank. This is how to open an account with a bank.