- What is a winter morning like?
- What happens to trees and grass in the winter morning?
- What do the children and old people do in the winter morning?
- What are the special attractions of the winter morning?
- How do the people feel when the sun peeps through the fog?
Answer: a winter morning is very misty and cold. Everything looks hazy. Things at a little distance can hardly be seen. Fog falls on the tall trees are look like small bushes. Dew drops fall on leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like pearls in the morning. A cold wind blows from the north. People get up late from the bed. They like to remain in bed even after sunrise. Children gather straw and make a fire to warm them. Old people bask in the sun and enjoy themselves with lively talks of the day. We find some special attractions of the winter morning. These are the different kinds of delicious cakes and sweetmeats prepared with date juice. A cup of tea is more enjoyable in the winter morning. At one time the scene of the winter morning vanishes when the morning peeps everybody greets the sun with a joyful heart.
A Winter Morning
Question: Paragraph on Answer the following questions to form a continuous paragraph. (100 words)
- How is a winter morning?
- How do people and animal feel in a winter morning?
- What do village children and people do in a winter morning?
- What kinds of food are available in a winter morning?
- What’s your personal feeling about a winter morning?
Answer: A winter morning is cold and foggy. Everything seems hazy and indistinct. Grasses are wet with dew drops. When the sun rises, dew drops sparkle like pearls. Old people and children shiver in cold. Poor people gather straw and make a fire to bask in the heat. Animals, too, are helpless. They hide in the corner of the house and try to save themselves from the biting cold outside. People get up late in the morning. Old people and the children usually get up a bit later to evade cold of the early morning. Working people get out of doors when the fog disappears and when the sun is hot. People usually eat homemade cakes with ‘date juice’ and enjoy the warmth of the early sun sitting outside their homes. Bengalese settled in abroad, make it a point to come and spend the winter in Bangladesh. They find the winter here as pleasant as the winter in any European country is tremendously cold. A winter morning in Bangladesh is thus quite fascinating for them. My personal feeling about a winter morning is that it is a bane for the poor and but a boon for the rich.
Winter Morning
- What is winter morning?
- How does it appear?
- What do we do on a winter morning?
- What is the scene of nature?
- What does the village people do?
- What do the children do?
- What is very tasteful in winter morning?
Answer: A foggy winter morning appears to be dull. However, a clear winter morning is really lovely, charming and enjoyable in every village of Bangladesh. The cock crows at dawn. Then we leave to get up from the bed but we do not wish to leave our war to quit. However, we get up from bed a go out to wash our hands and face. Dewdrops are seen on the leaves of trees and green fields. These dewdrops glitter on the morning sun. The morning assumes a new look. The villagers do not start working in the morning. They gossip in the morning sun. The rays of the rising sun give sweet warmth to the body. The children go to the nearest mosque, spread their mats in front of it and take their lessons in religion. Cakes are very tasteful on a winter morning. People make delicious native cakes with rice, milk, and patali-gur.