Introduction: Traffic jam is a common problem in big cities ‘and towns. It is one of the major problems in modern time. Everyman in the town has to face the nasty situation of a traffic jam.
What is traffic jam: Traffic means the vehicles that ply on the roads. It also means communication. Jam means the gathering of the transport vehicles stand still and become motionless.
Traffic jam in Bangladesh: Traffic jam is a common affair in Bangladesh. There is no city in Bangladesh where traffic jam is absent. Every day we go out for work and face traffic jam. Traffic jam takes a prolonged time sometimes.
Causes of traffic jam: There are many causes of traffic jam in Bangladesh. The causes are given below.
(A) Big population: Bangladesh is a thickly populated country. So her towns are also thickly. The roads and streets of our towns and streets are not so wide. In a big town or city buses, cars, trucks and many other vehicles move on the roads or streets. Men also have to walk by the same road or street. So it causes a traffic jam,
(B) No proper use of traffic law: The traffic laws are not properly utilized. People of our country do not know the law. And those who know do not obey them. Some people do not pay respect to the traffic law and do whatever they like to do. It is a cause of traffic jam. Most of the drivers of Bangladesh are illiterate. They want to drive Vehicles at their sweet will.
Effects of traffic jam: Traffic jam causes great harm to us. It creates a great problem for our social and individual life. Traffic jam created in the road kills a lot of valuable time. Hours after hours we have to wait for the jam. Students and the service-holders-can’t reach institutions and offices respectively in time. The Govt. Should be more serious to solve this problem.
Conclusion: The traffic jam kills much time, many valuable lives of the hospital going patients. The traffic police and the drivers should realize the situation.