[Hints: Introduction; What ‘adult education‘ means; Necessity of adult education; The aim of adult education; How to achieve success; Steps were taken; Conclusion]
Introduction: Education is the backbone of a nation. An educated nation is always progressive. So, the development of a country largely depends on its people. There is no limitation of age in learning. A man can be educated even towards the end of his life if he has self-will.
What ‘adult education’ means: ‘Adult education’ means education of the illiterate adults. The procedure of adult education is conducted by private organizations.
The necessity of adult education: In Bangladesh, the rate of education is very low. One of the main reasons for the decrepit rate of education in Bangladesh is the unconsciousness of the illiterate people. Because of their ignorance, they can not encourage their children to be educated. As a result, the number of illiterate people is increasing day by day. This is not at all good for the country. This hampers the social and economic progress of the country to a great extent. So to improve this condition, adult education is very necessary.
The aim of adult education: The main objective of adult education is to increase the rate of education in the country. May, it also aims at removing the poverty of the illiterate families by making them conscious of their endangered existence.
How to achieve success: To make this programme a success, all literate people in the country should come forward. The teachers of primary, secondary and higher secondary level of education can play effective roles in this mission. They can start night schools in their respective areas for the illiterate adults. The students of all institutions also have vital parts to play. Above all, the government of the country should come to co-operate with the private organizations to spread the programme over the country.
Steps were taken: Some effective measures have already been taken for adult education. Night schools have been set up. People are being encouraged. In rural areas, centres for adult education have been opened. So the illiterate adults of the country are gradually being educated and at the sometimes, their social life is being improved.
Conclusion: So to conclude, it can be said that adult education in Bangladesh is of greater importance. If the adults are educated, their children will be educated. And it is only when we can hope for an educated nation.