[Hints: Introduction, The scenery of a moonlit night, Beauty of the moonlit night, Beauty of rivers and land, Merriments of boys and people, Conclusion.]
Introduction: The moon is a satellite. It moves around the earth. It is a shining object. The night full of the moon is called a moonlit night. Then the earth is overflooded with the light of the moon.
The scenery of a moonlit night: A moonlit night represents a beautiful sight. A moonlit night offers a beautiful sight. It is a charm of its own. The whole world laughs when the ‘Green moon’ takes her seat on the blue sky. All the aspects of Nature wear a gay and festive look. Rivers, canals, and tanks laugh when the moon is reflected in their bosoms. One can hardly take away one’s eves from them.
The beauty of the moonlit night: The moon looks like a large dish of silver. The spiting stars that twinkle around the moon add to its beauty. The clouds are tinged white by the silvery light of the moon. It is really pleasing to gaze at the moon when it rises up and up above the horizon in a few minutes.
The beauty of rivers and land: Bangladesh is a land where Nature displays her beauty in full. On a moonlit night, the rivers of this land wear a gay appearance. It provides a pleasant sight when big and small boats with white or blue sails ply in the river bathed in the silvery light of the moon. The boatmen inspired by this mysterious beauty of Nature, suddenly start singing one of their boatmen’s songs. The melody of their music, the cool and silvery light of the moon and sails of the plying boats fill the very mind with a great joy.
Merriments of boys and people: ‘Everybody gets cheerful in a moonlit night. Boys make merry-playing different kinds of games in the open field. Men and women, weary after the dull day’s work, spend delightful hours outside.
Conclusion: Of all aspects of nature moonlit night is perhaps the most beautiful. Men, birds, and beasts all enjoy a moonlit night. A moonlit night offers a charming sight to the rich and the poor, the high and the low and the child and the grown up.