Question: Imagine that one of your school friends is in England for six months. She is having some troubles with the new place and the new food. Write a letter advising him/her on how to adjust to the new place and the food.
November 2001
My dear Khairul, Recieve my best wishes. I hope you are well. Your last letter left me hopeless for some problems. England is a wonderful country in the world. You are lucky enough to stay there. You wrote me that you could not adjust to the new place and new food. It is quite natural that it takes time to get accustomed to the new environment. But you should not forget that nothing is impossible for a man. Again, time is a great healer. So, with the passage of time, you will be able to adjust yourself to the new place and food because the habit is the second nature of man. It also matters little for you. In course of time, everything will be o. k. and you will be able to get used to food of England.
Write to me soon.
No more today. Render my Salam and best wishes to your friends.
Thanks a lot.
Sincerely yours.